
Issue 4: Spotlight

The artwork featured in this issue seek to complicate conventional representations of Black femininity and masculinity. These two very different pieces of art from Brazil and the United States showcase the multidimensionality of identity and expression – from the streets of São Paulo to the otherworld.

Entrance to the Garden (2021)

Preto Blindado (2021)

Issue 3: Hindsight

In our visual exploration of the contours of Planetary Blackness, the art in this issue takes us on a journey through grief, admiration and self-discovery. These contributions to our ongoing meditation of the ambit of Black humanness prompt us to look back so that we may look ahead.


Adventurer (2019)

Isiqhaza saseGiyane (2020)

Issue 2: Insight

Four artists—Blaine D. Teamer, Siyolisi Bani, REWA, and Lorryn Moore—open us up the contours of diasporic Blackness as they respectively reflect on transatlantic spiritual legacies, mental health challenges, complicated social relationships, and Afropolitan aesthetics.

I am Orisha (2021)

Finding Comfort in Darkness (2021)

baby oku (2021)

Supper (2020)

Issue 1: Foresight

Art in this issue illuminates aspects of Planetary Blackness, in pursuit of unexposed dimensions and untold stories. To explore the full ambit of Black humanness, the art attempts to illustrate the threads and disjunctures of our varied experiences and to convey the essence and electricity of the current moment.

Back to Africa II

Worlds Within

Black Gold